MESSAGE FROM MUJAHID MAJOR HASAN , SOA (SOLDIER OF ALLAH) OF SUCCESSFUL FORT HOOD JIHAD FAME Submitted by Ali Khalaf on Thu, 12/17/2009 - 02:39 Printer-friendly version Send to friend PDF version KILL OR GET KILLED FOR ALLAH, THE ONLY GUARATEE OF PARADISE IN QURAN Brothers and sisters in Islam: Assalam Alaikum. Today I am the happiest man in the world. By killing 13 infidels for Allah I have guaranteed myself a place in paradise. All muslims know the only guarantee Allah has given for paradise in whole of Quran is killing or getting killed for Allah. 9.111 Allah has guaranteed paradise to those who kill and are killed for Allah. SHAHEED BY PASSES GRAVE TIME AND JUDGEMENT DAY AND GETS TO PARADISE INSTANTLY Although I went to kill and get killed for Allah to comply 9.111, but Allah did not grant me martyrdom.. Perhaps He wants me to kill more. Inshallah after I get released under insanity plea filed by my taxpayers supported liberal lawyer I will try to fulfill the wish of Allah.. Who knows he may even grant me martyrdom next time. , the noblest dream of all true muslims. That will earn me the ultimate prize a muslim can get, that is bypassing grave time and judgment day and instantly proceeding to paradise and start fornicating , as promised by Allah in Quran 3.169 : Those who are killed in Allah's way are not dead but they are alive and are enjoying bounties provided by the lord. SLAY THE INFIDELS,THEY ARE THE WORST BEASTS My muslim fellow Americans, don't be afraid to kill infidels. It is not a matter of choice but an order from Allah to all muslims: For a momin .there is no greater pleasure in life for a momin than killing and getting killed for Allah. 9.5 Slay the infidels wherever you find them. Why Allah wants them dead? Because they deny Allah as God and Mohammad as his prophet and that they are the worst beasts and lowest creatures, thus they must be killed. This is what Allah says: . 8.55 Non muslims are the worst beasts 98.6 Those who disbelieve in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures ALL INFIDELS ARE GUILTY, ONLY MUSLIMS ARE INNOCENTS Some may ask how can we kill innocent people who are minding their own business. There is no such thing as innocent infidel. They are all guilty of not accepting islam, they must be killed. Here is the top Islamic authority of islam and a leading muslim lawyer explains it in a BBC interview : . And remember in paradise you get most beautiful women who have swelling breasts. (you don't have to suffer through flat chest wives of mediocre looks any more): 78.33 "and maidens with swelling breasts" IMAGE OF ISLAM NEVER TARNISHES If you are worried that your violence will tarnish the good name of Islam, then be assured that will never happen .Even after very high profile job like 9/11 islam came out smelling like roses, thanks to the president Bush who immediately afterwards announced that islam is a religion of peace and visited Islamic center of DC to praise islam and muslims. We are even in a better shape now because muslim money has put the current govt in power. Basically they are in bed with us now . They will always cover our asses when we need them. After a mujahideen attack the following will happen: IGNORANT INFIDEL APOLOGISTS WILL PROTECT ISLAM The President will immediately come out after the massacre and say the killers were not muslims because no religion teaches violence (isn't it great that the bozo never reads quran and hadiths and instead relies on muslim feedback). - Liberal leaders will blame it on US middle east policy. -Leftist leaders will blame it on ex-president Bush . KNOWLEDGABLE MUSLIM APOLOGISTS WILL USE TAQIYYA -CAIR will go to all media outlets and announce that the perpetrators had hijacked islam.. -Media favourite moderate muslim Zuhdi Jasser will appear on CNN and FOX and say islam is a religion of peace and blame the massacre on the "militant heretic sect of Wahabis". -ISNA will say "they were not true muslims because "killing one innocent is killing all" in islam.. BRAIN WASHED MUSLIM UMMA WILL BLAME THE JEWS Bottom line is that the real reason which is quran and sunna will never be suspected. I SIMPLY FOLLOWED THE PROPHET I successfully used the strategy of our prophet. He always attacked the infidels without warning. Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 46, Number 717: Narrated Ibn Aun: The Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their fighting men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day. I did exactly the same and walked into Fort Hood wearing my Arabian garb without any warning .. He killed many kuffar with his sword and I killed many kuffar with my gun. The way we spent that night were also similar. He spent the night with gorgeous teenage beauty Juavaria and other captured women. I also spent the night with many beautiful nurses. The only difference is that he and his women were naked and had sex all night but I and my nurses were not naked and I could not even move any part of my body as I was in a coma .. MODERATE MUSLIMS AND REAL MUSLIMS MAKE A TEAM Real muslims must never badmouth moderate/secular types. Peoplwe like Zuhdi Jasser Ingrid Matson etc andmuslim organizations like CAIR, ISNA,MPAC ,ICNA etc play a very important role in the destruction of kuffar. They present a sugarcoated and sanitized islam to kuffar and keep them in false security and unprepared while the real muslims hit them where it hurts. Basically the moderate/secular muslims hold down the feet of the kuffar while real muslims cut their throats..
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